Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

26 jun 2014

~Archangel Gabriel


Daily Message ~ Thursday June 26, 2014

All profound and lasting change is made from each Now moment to each Now moment. It is the creation of consistent intention and conscious choice. Big creations are no different than little creations – they are simply the accumulation of many little creations. You can create any change in your life by choosing energy that supports that change in each present moment. To approach change in such a way keeps it from becoming an overwhelming task, yet your efforts, because of your consistency and intent, will add up to empowered and conscious change very quickly. All great creation has been accomplished in such a way because it circumnavigates those great saboteurs, fear and doubt, and works with small manageable pieces from a place of authenticity. Before you know it the accumulation of energy from those choices will take you to your next great experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 25, 2014

When you dismiss another, you dismiss a part of yourself. You are all connected, all part of the greater whole. You will always have preferences for who you spend the most of your time with, and who resonates with you the most, but a basic honouring of all as part of the divine whole is necessary to find the peace and enlightenment you seek. It is the basis of unity consciousness and unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 24, 2014

Dismissiveness is an energy that humans often use towards each other that is quite harmful and hurtful. Dismissiveness says, I do not think you are important or that your thoughts are valid. It does not recognize the divinity in others, thus, it separates, rejects and judges. The opposite of dismissing is honouring. When you honour another, you see them for the piece of the divine they are and you accept that they are exactly where they are meant to be. Dear Ones, you can honour others on their paths, exactly as they are and still completely honour yourself and your own beliefs! There is no need to reject another in order to keep your own truth. Unity consciousness and unconditional love honours and accepts, just as you wish to be honoured and accepted, and celebrates the innate master that exists in every soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday June 23, 2014

Asking for spiritual guidance and then refusing to be still is the same as stopping on the side of the road to ask someone for directions when you are lost but refusing to turn down the stereo to be able to hear them. The answers are always there, Dear Ones, but you must create the environment for them to be received. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday June 22, 2014

Deep inside of you is the spark of deep knowingness that is your own aspect of Source and provides all the guidance you need. If you’ve lost yourself in all the busyness and chatter of your life, take the time to be still and reconnect with that inner divine you. It will always lead you and guide you, but you must still the noise so that inner knowing can be heard. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 21, 2014

Dear Ones, you do not need to be perfect! You are loved, unconditionally, even if you make what you would consider a mistake. We see your hearts, and we feel your intentions. Most of all, we celebrate the innate goodness of each and every one of you! We encourage you to start to look at yourself, and others, in the very same way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday June 20, 2014

We are always here to lighten your load. Always. All you must do is ask and be ready to accept the help. It is as simple as that. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 19, 2014

As you continue your enlightenment process, and step further into self awareness, extreme contrast will no longer be a necessary aspect of your spiritual path. You will respond to the subtle bumps and nudges of your soul far more willingly, which will allow your path to become much more gentle and comfortable. Just as you may need to raise your voice to get someone’s attention if you have something very important to share with them and they are not paying attention to you at all, your soul may have had to go to extremes to get your attention. Once the attention has been achieved, a much gentler energy is all that is required to continue the communication. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 18, 2014

Your highest vibrational state is where your highest vibrational solutions are found. If you have an issue in your life you would like to improve, find your alignment to Source and seek the way to proceed from there. Connecting with your truth, your divinity, your authentic power first, will always assure that the action you choose is for your highest good, which is always the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 17, 2014

Dear Ones, your spirituality is meant to connect you back to your roots, to the energies of unconditional love, unity and joy. Do your beliefs uplift you? Do they honour you? Do they celebrate you? Do they accept you as a piece of the whole and encourage you to shine even brighter?
So many belief systems have had an agenda of control, and have sought to keep people disempowered through the perpetuation of fear of punishment, judgment or separation. Source energy is expansive, inclusive and empowering. Anything that makes you feel contracted, fearful or unworthy is not a system that can help you align with the energies of Home or experience the growth and discovery your soul is seeking.
You are always, always loved by us exactly as you are. You will not be judged, or rejected because to do so would be to judge or reject a part of ourselves. Do you see? You are part of the glorious whole of the divine and there is nothing you could ever do to change that. Once you accept your innate goodness as your truth, your life will change to reflect that in the most spectacular ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday June 16, 2014

Dear Ones, unconditional love is your natural state of being. When you return to Source after you transition from the body, you move back, fully, into seeing everything through the eyes of unconditional love. Because of this, your loved ones who have passed over only see you through complete understanding, compassion and love. How can you start looking at life with those eyes of unconditional love? By willingly placing yourself in the alignment of Source before you make any decisions or judgments. How do you place yourself in alignment with Source? Through meditation, prayer, or any other activity that allows you to shift more into your highest seIf. If you have a problem, or what you consider to be an issue with another, find your alignment and look at it from there. From that higher energetic space, you will be far better able to see the true essence of the situation. More importantly, start looking at yourself through those same loving eyes, and you will finally allow yourself to bloom and heal beyond any old blockages with the acceptance, support and love you have always deserved, and that your human self craves. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday June 15, 2014

Many of you, when you consider living the life of your dreams, find the idea too huge, too daunting. It seems like too big of a task to get from where you are to where you want to be, so you don’t bother and choose to accept a “less than” experience. Dear Ones, profound change comes one step at a time. You don’t have to know all the details of how something will happen, you merely have to surrender with intention. Stay in open expectation and stay fully present in each Now moment, taking each step forward as it presents to you. If you can do that, you will be astounded at how supported you are, and how much you can accomplish just a little bit at a time. You never have to take on the entire load of anything all at once! Your guides, your helpers, the universe is always there to assist, and one step at a time accumulates into tremendous movement that has come together with ease and grace. ~Archangel Gabriel