Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

16 ene 2014

When you extend Love to everything you become aware of...

When you extend Love to your thoughts, feel your love going out to them, or visualize the light of your love going to them. This process of extending love to your thoughts is very simple and eliminates any fighting or struggle you might have with your thoughts when you close your eyes. Extending love to your thoughts eliminates the effort of trying to control your thoughts and your inner experience, and puts you right into the part of your heart and mind where Love unfolds within you-the place within yourself where God's Voice resides.

When you extend Love to everything you become aware of, it is very simple and easy to join with the Love that you are. It is very simple and easy to join with God and see the circumstances of your life clearly through God's eyes. When you are in your Right-Mind, you see the innocence of what appears to be arising in front of you or within you. You see that the things that are arising within your mind are just thoughts, nothing more and nothing less. When you extend love there is no conflict with what appears to be arising within you.

Take a few minutes now to close your eyes and go within. Imagine extending love to anything and everything that you become aware of. Allow yourself to get out of conflict in your mind, and into a loving state that instantly connects you with God. Notice the simplicity, the quietness, and the peace that unfolds effortlessly and joyfully. When your thoughts have quieted down, ask God a question and see what you hear.

DavidPaul Doyle