Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

31 ago 2013

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.”
- Rumi

30 ago 2013

The thought that you should be doing something more

The thought
that you should be doing something more
is a distraction.
When you are fully present
with what you are doing,
now becomes more than more.
                            Alan Cohen

Jesus via John Smallman: Who You Truly Are is of an Order of Magnificence that is Impossible to Describe Adequately

Jesus via John Smallman: Who You Truly Are is of an Order of Magnificence that is Impossible to Describe Adequately

Spiritual Growth

As you grow and evolve, the words you speak and the thoughts you have about others will have an increasing power to affect people. Your positive thoughts and visions of people will lift them higher. Your criticism will depress their energy and hold them back. Every thought and spoken word produces strong effects, so it is important to learn to communicate in loving ways.

Spiritual Growth

Ron Paul: Chemical Weapon Use in Syria is a “False Flag”

Ron Paul: Chemical Weapon Use in Syria is a “False Flag”

Living With Joy

Freedom is an inner feeling. It is the ability to choose what you want. It is the knowledge that YOU are the captain of the ship. Freedom is knowing that you own your own life, that you are the one in charge. Freedom is essential for joy, for anywhere you feel trapped or someone has taken away your rights, you cannot experience joy.

Living With Joy

British Parliament Votes NO to Military Intervention In Syria

British Parliament Votes NO to Military Intervention In Syria

29 ago 2013

Saul via John Smallman: Visualize an Immense Cloud of Light Hovering Over Areas of Conflict

Saul via John Smallman: Visualize an Immense Cloud of Light Hovering Over Areas of Conflict

Soul Love

If you are spending time "saving" people, it is time to stop. If you are not certain if you are rescuing people or empowering them with your aid, ask yourself if your assistance is giving them tools to change their lives or simply bailing them out of a reoccurring problem. Are they working to change themselves or are they playing the victim, hoping that you will fix their problems? When people play the victim, helping them is usually saving them, does not create a shift, and drains your energy.

Soul Love

Archangel Michael and Sanat Kumara Comment on the Truth of the Syrian Gas Attacks

Archangel Michael and Sanat Kumara Comment on the Truth of the Syrian Gas Attacks

Soul Love

If you are carrying other people's burdens, put them down. Your soul knows that taking responsibility for themselves and their lives is one of the most important ways people can grow and become strong. It knows that people have worked hard to bring about their current circumstances, no matter how difficult or unpleasant, so they can learn and grow. Experiencing the consequences of their actions provides people with the motivation to make changes in their lives. Saving people makes them weaker rather than stronger.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Learning to give to yourself is important in maintaining the flow of abundance. If you cannot give to yourself, there will be a block in the flow, and eventually you will feel it. For instance, healers may burn themselves out if they are always giving to others but are unable to give themselves the time they need to feel nurtured and recharge their energy. You may start experiencing lack, then have to put extraordinary amounts of time and energy into yourself. Or, you may feel depleted on an energy level from your work and lose your enthusiasm for what you are doing.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Is channeling real? There are hundreds of stories about scientists trying to disprove paranormal phenomena and then becoming convinced that there was something more to it than met the eye. Many became advocates of channeling or channels themselves. Although there may be no way to prove whether or not channeling is real in the ordinary sense, we certainly have seen many people use it to produce positive results in their lives.

Opening to Channel

Personal Power Through Awareness

One way out from denser energy levels into higher energy is through your will and intent. You can go higher by simply affirming that you intend to go higher. Battling with the problems or struggling with the issues gets you bogged down. Every time you come to an issue that you cannot resolve, affirm to yourself that you have the will and intent to go higher. The imagination has the ability to take you higher by creating a vision of what you want to be.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Spiritual Growth

You can create your personal reality any way you want. Right before you fall asleep is a powerful time to create a new reality. Think of the day ahead. Visualize your ideal day, and imagine yourself waking up full of energy. These thoughts will go out to the future and meet up with you the next day.

Spiritual Growth

Living With Joy

Self-respect at the highest levels comes from honoring your soul. This means speaking and acting from a level of integrity and honesty that reflects your higher self. It means standing by what you believe in (you does not, however, have to convince others to believe in it), and acting in a way that reflects your values. Self-respect means acting on your values and what you say you believe in.

Living With Joy

28 ago 2013

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. - Khalil Gibran -

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

- Khalil Gibran -

“It is not too late at all. You just don’t yet know what you are capable of.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“It is not too late at all.  You just don’t yet know what you are capable of.” – Mahatma Gandhi

27 ago 2013

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 27, 2013

Remember, Dear Ones, if you have a time where you are not feeling your guides and helpers as strongly as you usually do, it does not mean they have left you. That is simply impossible, as you and your guides are intrinsically connected, and will stay so throughout your entire incarnation. There is never, ever, a time when you are alone, or separate.
What it does mean is that you are going through a period of release, and it can be harder to feel their subtle energies through the density of what you are releasing. You are all simply going through a phase of what we would call energetic refinement as a result of the energetic influx you have been experiencing of late. As always, things are divinely perfect, as are you. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday August 26, 2013

Many of you have been raised and conditioned to be on high alert for anything that could be a potential threat to your happiness and well being. This habit was born from parents who grew up in times of war, lack and struggle, who were very focused on survival. It is time to let that old habit go.
What if, instead, you started, with equal dedication and intensity, to be on the lookout for love? For support? For the many blessings that exist all around you? For the little miracles that surround you every single day? Not only would you increase your satisfaction with your life exponentially, you would also be paving the way for smoother tomorrows.
Your focus is one of the most powerful amplification tools you have, Dear Ones. Use it wisely to create the life expression you desire and deserve. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 25, 2013

When you lose track of time, you have shifted into a space that is in greater alignment with Source. When you are in that alignment, you are in the most powerful place for creation. When do you lose time? Usually when you are immersed in something you love.
So you can now see, that you are most authentically powerful when you are engaged in the activities that bring you joy, that move you into the expanded Now moment, and allow you to express your purest essence as that individuated aspect of Source.
People are afraid to pursue their passions, as they think they are frivolous and deserve the least amount of time from their busy schedules. They don’t see how they can be successful at them. Dear Ones, it does not matter how skilled you are at an activity. Know that the success comes from the alignment, from the joy it gives you. That is the most important piece, and everything else is created from there. ~Archangel Gabriel

Soul Love

A very important principle of relationships is that you cannot change another person; you can only transform yourself. You cannot force people to act in certain ways. Punishing, withdrawing, or trying to make people do what you want only strengthens their resistance. It turns your power over to others, making them the source of meeting your needs rather than yourself. You cannot make people change; however you can modify your reaction to their behavior. You can awaken your heart centers and shift your perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts. You can release needing others to alter their behavior, and love and accept them instead.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

The more you can appreciate the gifts you are receiving while the tide is out, the more rapidly the tide will come back in. Focus on the abundance you have rather than all the bills. See what new soul qualities you are developing, such as patience, trust, and love. Remember, you create what you focus on, and down cycles are always followed by up cycles. Think of a time in the past when you went through a hard time with money. See the strength it developed in you and how your life changed afterward. When you look at the past you can see how much progress and forward movement you have made after every ebb.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

As a channel you are not responsible for making peoples' lives work, or solving all their problems. When people come to you with their problems, remember that unless they are ready to grow, no matter what your guide tells them, they won't grow. Only they can change their own lives. Evaluate the quality of your readings by your inner sense and the process you see the other person involved in, not solely by the reported results. Some people may not use the advice of your guide, and, as a result, not get the true value out of it. Guides will not take away people's lessons, but help them understand their lessons.

Opening to Channel

Personal Power Through Awareness

It is important to experience compassion rather than sympathy. Sympathy is feeling sorry for others, seeing that what is happening to them is negative or bad. Compassion is seeing that what is happening to them is for their growth, and assisting them in seeing that also. Compassion reframes an experience they may perceive as unfortunate or bad into something they can understand.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Healthy Guilt, Unhealthy Guilt

Healthy Guilt, Unhealthy Guilt

The Purpose of Shame

The Purpose of Shame

"Why Do I Feel Shame When I'm Being Blamed?"

"Why Do I Feel Shame When I'm Being Blamed?"

Why Exercising Makes Our Brain Happier by Brainby Leo Widrich

The Victim Pattern by Jay Earley, Ph.D.

If you have the Victim Pattern, you tend to see yourself as being wronged by people or in an impossible situation. You may believe that your problems exist because harmful things were done to you. You may feel like the victim of your circumstances, and you may feel that there is nothing you can do about it.

With this Pattern, you may find yourself continually thinking about how others have wronged or hurt you. You may make excuses to yourself about why you cannot get your life together, feeling cheated and helpless to do anything about it. You may feel angry or depressed about your circumstances and helpless to change your life for the better. In the back of your mind, you may even feel entitled to special time and attention from others, especially those who have wronged you.

You may indeed have been victimized in your childhood and perhaps even as an adult. The Victim Pattern doesn't refer to these situations where you were truly a victim and had no option. It refers to the situation where a part of you is attached to feeling like a victim even when you are in a situation where you could now take steps to improve your situation.

You may now have the power to stand up for yourself or to get away from someone who is harming you. However, if you have a Victim Pattern, you tend to focus on feeling sorry for yourself rather than looking for ways to get what you want in life.

This Pattern can keep you from moving toward goals for personal development or professional success. The Victim Pattern may interfere with your ability to take charge of your life. You may focus on how other people are to blame for what has happened to you rather than focusing on what you can do to change your difficult circumstances.

This is not to say that a Pollyanna attitude is helpful or that you should completely ignoring past hurts. But it is important to focus on moving forward and on what you can do, rather than perpetuating your sense of yourself as a victim of circumstances.

On a deeper level, you may unconsciously hope to get some benefit out of playing the victim, wanting someone to realize how they have wronged you and rescue you.

On the other hand, it isn't realistic to believe that you can control every single thing that happens in your life. As with all patterns in The Pattern System, the healthy position is one of balance. It is good to recognize when things harmed you that were out of your control. However, it is important to realize when you can take charge of your life and try to make it work.

There are three variations on the Victim Pattern:
  1. If you have the Angry Victim Pattern, you feel resentment toward people you believe have wronged you.
  2. If you have the Helpless Victim Pattern, you just feel powerless over your life and attribute your problems it to external circumstances or other people.
  3. If you have the Martyr Pattern, you believe that you have helped someone who not only didn't appreciate what you did for them but wronged you instead.

23 ago 2013

Rethinking the Bucket List: Kathleen Taylor at TED


When I was young, I admired clever people.
Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
                             ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel

Libro recomendado: El GPS secreto de nuestra mente


Este libro pretende responder a ciertas preguntas que en un momento de nuestra vida se nos pueden presentar sin respuesta: «me siento insatisfecho conmigo mismo, me falta algo, pero ¿qué?»; «¿por qué fracaso repetidamente en mis relaciones de pareja?»; «¿por qué tengo miedo?, ¿a qué?»; «¿por qué me falta siempre tiempo?»… Este ensayo divulgativo consiste en un viaje por la mente humana. ¿Y qué mejor que un buen GPS para guiarnos a través del viaje? Describiremos el GPS de nuestra mente, los «satélites» que le proporcionan información y las señales que recibe. Si las señales son adecuadas, el GPS humano trazará una buena hoja de ruta que nos permitirá desplazarnos adecuadamente a lo largo de los cuatro puntos cardinales: Norte (relación con nosotros mismos: autoestima); Sur (relación con los demás: pareja, amigos, familia); Este (relación con el dinero); Oeste (relación con el tiempo). Pero si las señales emitidas no son las oportunas, los cuatro puntos cardinales resultan mal configurados, por lo que nuestra vida no discurrirá hacia el bienestar y una felicidad razonable, sino hacia la infelicidad y el sufrimiento. Cada capítulo describe un punto cardinal y contiene una explicación teórica y una serie de casos clínicos que ilustran dicha explicación. Al final del libro, y a modo de epílogo, se expone cómo terminó la historia de cada uno de ellos.

22 ago 2013

Breaking Free From Emotional Perfectionism

Rachel Fintzy, MA, MFT
Are you an emotional perfectionist?
Do any of the following statements ring true for you?
  • I should always be happy and upbeat.
  • I should never feel depressed or anxious.
  • I should be able to snap out of a “negative” state of mind.
Often we have an idealistic view of happy and successful people. We believe that such individuals constantly have a smile on their face, see only the best in life, and are never bothered by uncomfortable feelings.
Perpetually cheerful people can actually get on one’s nerves, as such individuals can sometimes seem artificial. We generally feel more at ease around people who express themselves in a manner appropriate to the situation and who can pick up on other people’s vibes.
Years ago I worked with a supervisor for whom I had tremendous respect. He demonstrated kindness, firmness, an excellent work ethic, an engaging sense of humor, and was just basically appealing. I looked forward to seeing him everyday. He both encouraged and terrified me, in that he demanded a lot of his staff but also made it clear that he believed in everyone’s ability to do what he asked of them.
When we ran into serious bureaucratic issues in our department, and he divulged to me that he felt (quite appropriately) anxious, he rose even higher in my estimation, and believe me, this is saying a lot. He revealed himself to be strong enough to handle uncomfortable feelings, rather than wall them off, and simultaneously deal with the situation at hand.
In other words, he demonstrated emotional flexibility, the healthy alternative to emotional perfectionism.
Emotionally healthy people have a wide range of feelings, which they embrace with compassion and patience. This usually translates to relating well to other people. This works both ways – when we’re empathic and allow ourselves to enter into another person’s emotional experience, such as sitting with a friend who’s lost a loved one and is grieving, we often become more tolerant of our own feelings.
Emotional perfectionism, on the other hand, is common among people who suffer from anxiety and depression, and does not work in our favor.
Reasons to let go of emotional perfectionism:
Our feelings give us important feedback. Have you ever had a gut instinct about a person or situation, dismissed your hunch, and later on down the line, when the relationship or job deteriorated, regretted that you ignored your intuition? Accepting and becoming curious about our uncomfortable feelings allows us to learn the lesson they contain. Sometimes the symptom is a signal.
Refusal to feel discomfort can lead us to avoid challenging situations. If we steer clear of anxiety, for instance, we may never take that leap, go on that first date, commit to marriage, take that trip to a foreign country, or go on that job interview. In fact, we can get ourselves in worse trouble, but falling into addictive behaviors in an attempt to avoid discomfort. Or we can stay in relationships or jobs that have outlived their usefulness, because we prefer familiarity to the temporary agitation we might feel if we made a change.
Excessive control of our emotions can result in emotional constipation. Becoming preoccupied with micromanaging our feelings and judging some as “bad” can get us into a state of emotional blockage or “blunting”, where we end up feeling not much of anything at all. Once we’re at this point, life can feel surreal and we can lose touch with our intuition. When we block out uncomfortable feelings such as grief or anger, we tend to block out pleasant emotions such as happiness as well. Being in an emotional straitjacket can be the result.
How to overcome emotional perfectionism:
Treat your feelings with kindness. The practice of mindfulness, which involves an awareness of our present reality without judgment, allows room for all emotions. The idea is to take on the role of a compassionate observer. You neither push your feelings away, nor do you become enmeshed in them. Instead of identifying with the emotion, you can say to yourself, “Sadness is here. What are you trying to tell me?” Experiment with asking your question on the in-breath, and listening for the answer on the out-breath. Again and again. Perhaps nothing will come to you, and that’s okay. The point is to be present and accepting of your full palette of emotions.
Find safe people with whom to share your feelings. This is not a license to vent at length without moving on to an action (or acceptance) plan, as people are not to be “vomited” on (yes, another digestive system analogy). However, being heard and validated by others is powerfully healing. Find people who can handle receiving your feelings. Not all people are willing, for various reasons. Some people aren’t at a place of acceptance with their own emotions and may criticize or withdraw from you. Be selective.
Allow your feelings to sneak in the back door. Sometimes we can become so stressed that intellectualizing and living in our heads becomes the norm. It can be really disconcerting to realize that we’re not able to cry even if we want to, for instance. We want to thaw out but don’t know how. Try a yoga class, getting a massage, watching a movie, or listening to music that at one time was meaningful to you. Play with a kitten or puppy. Let your guard down.
Repeat a comforting phrase to yourself, such as:
  • Let go.
  • It’s okay.
  • This too shall pass.
  • I can handle this.
  • It’s okay to feel.
  • This feeling won’t kill me.
  • May I be kind to myself in this moment.
Strive for emotional tolerance and breadth rather than perfection. We are here to experience life fully – and that includes our feelings.

Last reviewed: 21 Aug 2013
APA Reference
Fintzy, R. (2013). Breaking Free From Emotional Perfectionism. Psych Central. Retrieved on August 22, 2013, from

~ Alan Cohen

The word "courage" comes from the French word
"coeur", which means "heart."
True power proceeds not from force,
but from love.
                             ~ Alan Cohen

How to think better

"Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done."

Peter Drucker

Experiencia mística: Benedicto XVI dice que fue Dios quien le dijo que renunciara a su pontificado | El Dínamo

Experiencia mística: Benedicto XVI dice que fue Dios quien le dijo que renunciara a su pontificado | El Dínamo

Personal Growth: Pushing vs. Loving Action

Personal Growth: Pushing vs. Loving Action

Meditation as Loving Action

Meditation as Loving Action

Personal Growth: Q-TIP

Personal Growth: Q-TIP

Relationships: Actions of Love

Relationships: Actions of Love

When We Tell Our Inner Child that Something Bad Is Happening

When We Tell Our Inner Child that Something Bad Is Happening

Inner Bonding Self Help: Baggage

Inner Bonding Self Help: Baggage

Are These Just the Facts or Is This Self-

Are These Just the Facts or Is This Self-

Are You Addicted to Negative Thinking?

Are You Addicted to Negative Thinking?

The Importance of Our Stories

The Importance of Our Stories

Self Improvement: The Appreciation Game

Self Improvement: The Appreciation Game

Inner Bonding Who Is Self-Love?

Inner Bonding Who Is Self-Love?

Shoveling and Self-Love

Shoveling and Self-Love

A Little Goes a Long Way: An article on the Basics of Self-Love

A Little Goes a Long Way: An article on the Basics of Self-Love

Soul Love

Be love in action. Express your soul's will to love by spreading goodwill wherever you go. Feel your connection to your soul and sense the souls of others. Be a ray of sunshine bringing love to everyone you meet. Radiate soul love to strangers and casual acquaintances as well as to loved ones. Express love through your words and actions no matter how others act or treat you. Smile without needing others to smile back.

Soul Love

Relationships: Actions of Love

Relationships: Actions of Love

Learning to Love Your Inner Child

Learning to Love Your Inner Child

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Success comes from feeling successful in the present moment; it is not something you may feel some day when you have reached a goal or have something you want. Do not think that large sums of money will create that feeling for you; people with a lot of money rarely feel successful unless they have learned how to appreciate themselves and feel successful from within.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Loving Oneself is Not Selfish!

Loving Oneself is Not Selfish!

When You Love Yourself, You Let Others Off the Hook

When You Love Yourself, You Let Others Off the Hook

What Does It Mean To Love Yourself?

What Does It Mean To Love Yourself?

Opening to Channel

To channel, you step up your frequency as you achieve a trance state, and we lower ours to match. It is not an exact energy match, but a complementary one. We create electromagnetic fields in our dimension that are similar to yours in your dimension. As we align both of our energy fields, transmission can take place. Our ability to "match" your frequencies for accurate transmission is also important. As you continue to channel we learn by feedback how to monitor our transmissions and to control the electromagnetic fields. You learn how to track our fields more accurately as you become more experienced at channeling.

Opening to Channel

Ex-Pope Benedict: God Told Me to Resign During ‘Mystical Experience’

Ex-Pope Benedict: God Told Me to Resign During ‘Mystical Experience’

Spiritual Growth

The more skill you have in manifesting and handling day-to-day issues with clarity and love, the more easily you can accomplish your higher purpose. As your life begins to have more order and harmony you will find many opportunities to make meaningful contributions to others. You will move to a level where your growth and challenges will come more from your world service than from making your personal life work.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

When you judge others, you feel your own shadow and bring into yourself any negative energy you are judging. Challenge yourself to let go of a right-wrong framework. When you observe a quality or characteristic in others that you do not like, see if you can find how it fits into their life. Look at how that particular trait works for them, what that quality does for them. Leaving behind judgment frees you from being affected by other people's energy.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Everything you have right now in your life, you created from the past. Everything you have from here on out can be created at this moment, and it can be created differently. You do not need to know specifically what you will do today or the next day. You can start by BELIEVING that you do have a purpose, a concrete purpose, and you can begin by asking it to unfold for you.

Living With Joy


Personal Power Through Awareness

Imagine in front of you, right now, anyone with whom you would like to clean up an issue or make the relationship between you better. See the person's face in front of you, his or her eyes looking at you, with complete understanding and compassion. Picture the person accepting your truth. Mentally say something to him or her that will take both of you higher.

Personal Power Through Awareness

The Power of Appreciating Yourself

The Power of Appreciating Yourself

21 ago 2013

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 21, 2013

Your ego self is like an insecure child that fears if it is not getting all of your attention it will lose your love. It is much like a demanding toddler that will tantrum for that attention if it feels threatened by your abandonment. Dear Ones, self love and acceptance is what will soothe the ego self. When you are practicing unconditional love for ALL aspects of you, you will be able to reach the calm place of peace and harmony you seek. You cannot move forward into a model of unity consciousness from a place of denying any part of who you are. Unconditional self love, understanding, nurturing, integration, balance and healthy boundaries are what will move you forward in a whole and empowered way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

If you have ideas about what you might do with your life, yet feel they are not good enough, find something in your life that you value and begin to value it even more. If you value your ability to help people or to organize things, focus on that skill. Learn to value yourself and your talents. Treat yourself as if you count, for you do. Start in small ways to value your path and the things you love to do. You can do simple things, such as allowing yourself ten minutes to sit quietly and think without interruptions. You can choose to spend less time talking to people or doing things you do not enjoy, and use the time to do something special for yourself. You can allow yourself to spend more time on a hobby you love, or buy yourself the equipment you need to do it well. As you do these things, you give a message to yourself that your life and work are important.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

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Mandy Evans Accepting Miracles - Be Happy - Break Out from a Limiting Belief

"Break Out from a Limiting Belief"

What if you believe something that is not true? What if that belief blocks happiness and your ability to succeed in every important area of your life? What you believe - about yourself, your lot in life, and how you must feel, plays a lead role in every choice you make and every action you take. Your unique belief system even tells you what to want, what to avoid, even what dreams you dare to have.
If this convinces you how important it is to be aware of what you believe and whether it is true or not, then what? How can you find the limiting beliefs that you accept as reality?
In my work with all sorts of people, two clues prove reliable again and again. They are important because it is impossible to question every belief you have. Nor would it be productive.

If you feel some way you do not like feeling more often than you want to feel it that is a sure sign that you believe something that is not true. It may be anger that takes a heavy toll on your relationships and takes a toll on your career. Or chronic fear that blocks your sense of adventure. Whether it is guilt, anxiety, resentment, despair, or any of the painful emotions we humans feel; if it comes often and stays late, it usually means you believe something that is not true.
If you want something that other people can have, but not you, most likely you are operating from a false conclusion, an untrue belief that tells you to give up.

Let's begin with an unwelcome feeling, anger, for example. Here are a few of the limiting beliefs that hold anger in place, like it or not.

It makes me angry. If you believe other people, circumstances or events make you angry you sentence yourself to endless wrestling with outside forces in order to feel OK. Ironically feeling OK before you set out to change something you want to improve works much better. It is much easier to break out from that belief than it is to change everyone and everything else.
If I'm not angry, it means I don't care. Actually you have to care first, before you know when to get angry. How angry you get does not measure your degree of caring accurately. It simply measures your faith in anger as a sign of caring.
If I don't get angry, I won't do anything to change it (what ever it is you get angry about). Although anger can be a powerful motivator of yourself and other people, it creates a lot of damage. Anger, especially rage, actually prevents you from finding creative and inspired solutions to problems. Your natural desire for a new outcome is the strongest motivation by far. Feed that desire instead of your anger and see what happens.

Here are some questions you can use to break out from the limiting beliefs that cause your emotional pain and block your happiness.

How do you feel that you don't like feeling?
What is that feeling about? Be as specific as you can.
Why is that the way to feel? The answer to this question will be a belief.
Do you believe that? Is it true? If you recognize that your belief is simply not true, congratulations! You have broken its grip on you and your life. If your answer is yes, ask the next two questions.
Why do you believe that?
What are you concerned would happen if you did not believe that?

The other kinds of limiting beliefs to challenge, mentioned above, are beliefs about what you can have. If your heart's desire is for something you believe you cannot have, you know how painful that is. You dare not reach for it but nothing you do can really crush the desire from your own heart. Here are some of the beliefs about that heart's desire you can break out from.

I don't deserve it. My own take on that one is that deserving is a big old bogus issue. Unless your desire is to harm someone how on earth could you not deserve anything you want? Your success will only enrich us all.
If I let myself want it, I risk disappointment. Only if you believe not getting what you want hurts. People who hold this believe reach for very few things. They are getting-stuff-starved, success deprived. That deprivation magnify the impact of rejection or failure dramatically. People who ask for a lot usually receive a lot. Those of us to reach for abundance usually experience the universe as filled with infinite possibilities. Missing one goal out of a hundred is very different from falling short of the only goal you go for.

To break out from beliefs about what you can and cannot have ask questions three through six. If strong emotions come up, use all of the questions to explore those feelings.

Thousands of people have used these questions to discover, challenge and break out from countless limiting beliefs. Give them a try with all the patience and self-acceptance you can muster and see what happens. Cheering you on!

Resources available at The Breakout Store

Books "Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness" and "Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs" are available in print and e-book editions.

20 ago 2013

Soul Love

Relationships are a very important area to evolve as a part of your path to enlightenment and to living as a soul. They offer you a place to practice opening your heart and expressing soul love. They give you feedback and mirror for you the qualities you are developing in yourself. Relationships provide you with opportunities to love others as your soul does. They can show you all the places where you are still working to gain the peace, love, and joy of your soul. Every choice you make to offer love rather than to close your heart brings you closer to your soul.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Learn to listen to your inner guidance. Your inner guidance will lead you to what you are manifesting in the quickest, simplest way. Inner guidance comes from your higher self and speaks to you in the form of feelings, insights, and inner knowing. As your thoughts about what you want go out into the universe, your higher self looks over past, present, and future events; it views the connections and the situations that will need to be created for you to have what you ask for. It then finds the best way to bring them to you. It begins drawing to you certain people, opportunities, and events. It creates opportunities for you to meet people who might assist you and will also benefit from knowing you, for the universe works for the greater good. Your willingness to be spontaneous, follow inner urges and hunches, and listen to strong feelings and act upon them will lead you to your goals.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

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Allowing Your Highly Sensitive Child to SHINE With Unschooling

"Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining."

"Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save;  they just stand there shining."

- Anne Lamott


     Reconocerás que has aprendido que no hay grados de dificultad en los milagros cuando los apliques a todas las situaciones. No hay situación a la que los milagros no sean aplicables, y al aplicarlos a todas las situaciones el mundo real será tuyo.

Soul Love

You will need to release any feelings that you are a victim, including feelings of self-pity, blame, or thoughts that you cannot have what you want because someone is stopping you. You create your own reality, you can have whatever you want!

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Every time you say "thank you" to yourself, you instill confidence in your ability to create what you want. Begin thanking the universe for every small thing that comes your way, appreciate how far you have come and all that you have already accomplished, and you will overcome your fears and doubts. Give thanks for all the things you take for granted--the place you live in, the friends who love you, the food on your table. Do not label what you have now as inadequate, but instead begin thanking the universe for it.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

Having a desire to assist others, and a concern for their well-being helps in attracting a high-level guide. Channeling always serves others in one way or another, elevating the vibration of the world around you. Any of you who are assisting others in any way - through your business, personal or family lives, or through your creative endeavors - will be able to attract a high-level guide. As you heal and help others to whatever degree you desire, you will also grow.

Opening to Channel

Spiritual Growth

Take time to daydream, fantasize, relax, and think about what you want to create. Practice thinking in new, unlimited ways. Unlimited thinking puts you in touch with the larger picture of your life and links you with the expanded vision of your Higher Self. Enlarge your vision of what is possible. Think positively, and imagine yourself having more than you have now.

Spiritual Growth

Personal Power Through Awareness

Most of you tense up when you encounter negative energy. That attracts even more energy that is negative. To avoid being affected by negative energy, relax. Any process of relaxation will work. Then visualize or imagine a peaceful feeling. By imagining and then experiencing the feelings you want, you will not pick up negative energy.

Personal Power Through Awareness

Living With Joy

Self-respect at the highest levels comes from honoring your soul. This means speaking and acting from a level of integrity and honesty that reflects your higher self. It means standing by what you believe in (you does not, however, have to convince others to believe in it), and acting in a way that reflects your values. Self-respect means acting on your values and what you say you believe in.

What brings joy into your life? Do you know? Are you aware of that which makes you happy? Are you so busy fulfilling your daily obligations that you put off to some future time those things that make you feel good? The path of joy deals with present and not future time. Are you holding an image of what life WILL BE like one day when you are happy, but not feeling that sense of well-being right now, today? Revolve to feel happy now.

Living With Joy

Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Monday August 19, 2013

You have been encouraged to start living the life of your dreams, yet many of you don’t know exactly what that would look like. Some of you have been afraid to dream, thinking that they only lead to disappointment. A lot of you have the dreams that you have settled for, that won’t rock the boat, that your friends and family will approve of – the careful dreams that you might find enjoyable but won’t feel too disappointed if they don’t come to fruition.
Dear Ones, do not try to play it safe with your dreams! By watering them down, they are no longer a true match to what your heart desires! Deep inside of you are your heartfelt dreams, the ones you may have kept to yourself because you felt too shy to share them, or don’t nurture because you think they are too grand or won’t come true.
Those dreams are the true essence of you, where your passion lies. Pull them up into the light, dust them off and give them the energy they deserve! Your soul holds them because they are an important and beautiful part of who you are and what you are on the planet to experience. Your interests, your unique talents, and your creations are what will come together to create the glorious mosaic that will be the New Earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 18, 2013

When you practice acceptance of others, you are recognizing the divinity in them. You are clearly demonstrating your faith, not only in the person’s ability to navigate their own path as the expert on their own life expression, but also your faith in Source, their soul, and the guides and helpers assisting them on the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Saturday August 17, 2013

A great many human beings live in an all or nothing kind of way. They tend to compartmentalize work and fun, regular life and meditation, giving and accepting, with much larger amounts of time being given to the obligations than the more enjoyable, supportive elements. Rather than having everything broken up into segments, why not start incorporating a variety of elements into your day? Dear Ones, if you do not have time to meditate for hours, it does not mean that you cannot meditate for ten minutes! The way to achieve the balance you seek is to start to make room in your lives for the joy, for the support, for the self care, every single day. If you do, before you know it, you will be experiencing a far greater joy in ALL that you do. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday August 16, 2013

The enlightening human beings have been working so very hard to step into their authentic power. You have been doing a wonderful job! But we understand that such growth is difficult to track for yourselves, and that some of you are wondering how you are doing. Dear Ones, if you wish to be rescued in any area of your life, that is the area that you have not quite embraced your authentic power, yet.
Wanting to be rescued goes hand in hand with victim consciousness. Are you wishing for the perfect partner to ride in and make your life better? Wishing to find the perfect healer to fix you? Waiting to win the lottery so you can have the money to live the life of your dreams? While there is nothing wrong with wanting love, health, or money, you cannot draw it to you from a place of neediness, with a desire for an external to make you whole.
You are always getting feedback from the universe. If you are lacking in any area, it is simply showing you where you have not yet stepped into your immense power to create the life of your dreams. Look for any belief systems connected to that area that suggest that you are less than, not worthy or in any way incapable of creating what you want. Release those old ideas and, with your conscious awareness, start taking your power back and you will experience the energy shifting and moving in that area in no time at all. ~Archangel Gabriel  

Empfohlene Buch - Jede Seele plant ihren Weg: Warum leidvolle Erfahrungen nicht sinnlos sind

The Self-Effacing Pattern

The Self-Effacing Pattern
Jay Earley, Ph.D.

If you have the Self-Effacing Pattern, you are concerned about your impact in the world. You may feel shy and awkward in social situations, and find yourself speaking little or limiting what you say to small talk. You might also seek to avoid social situations in general, withdrawing from other people and not reaching out for connections.

You may not speak up about your own ideas, stories, or achievements, especially in group settings. In conversations, you may try to keep the focus on others, and when the spotlight lands on you, you may answer questions about yourself with sparse replies or respond awkwardly. Perhaps you are self-deprecating, making not-so-funny jokes at your own expense. You may find it very hard to receive compliments or attention gracefully, instead deflecting them and redirecting attention on others.

You may be quiet, aloof and not participate, or even avoid connecting with people. You may act as if you don't deserve to be heard or appreciated. At times, you may feel incompetent or inadequate.

Some people are also quieter by nature, but happy to be so. The Self-Effacing Pattern is more likely to apply to you if you are quiet, but unhappily so. You wish you could speak up and be recognized. You would like more connection with people and to feel like more people knew and liked the "real you."

While you can't always be sure of how others will receive you, you CAN address the beliefs inside yourself that say you are "less than" or unworthy of attention. By working to heal this Self-Effacing Pattern, you can feel confident to take risks in social settings and put yourself out without fear of being judged or ridiculed.

19 ago 2013

Jeshua ben Joseph

Beloved one, when you are in a space where it looks like it’s a disaster, at that moment take the deep breath and think of someone or some pet perhaps that you love and be in that space of love.

As you will intellectually choose anew on the emotional level—that is where the power lies—on the emotional level find, feel, live in the space of loving someone or something and you will see changes immediately in the outer; maybe not far away, maybe not big changes that you would like to see, but every change will lead to the bigger change that you have been praying for.

Richard Rinaldi's "Touching Strangers"

Richard Rinaldi's "Touching Strangers"

August 11, 2013 6:58 AM
Richard Rinaldi is a New York photographer whose "Touching Strangers" portrait series brings an unlikely intimacy to photographs. For each shot, Rinaldi grabs strangers off the street and poses them like adoring family. Steve Hartman reports.

18 ago 2013

Knowledge is power, but wisdom is peace.

Knowledge is power, but wisdom is peace.
                                  ~ Alan Cohen


Soul Love

Many of the things people do for other people are for the purpose of receiving love in exchange. You may have been taught that love was something you had to earn through your good behavior and through fulfilling other people's needs. You may have trouble setting boundaries with others, thinking that to do so you might hurt their feelings or push away their love. If you think love comes to you only when you earn or deserve it, it is time to experience the magnetic quality of soul love.

Soul Love

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Rather than being hard on yourself for not having accomplished more, spend a moment congratulating yourself on how far you have come and how much you have already accomplished. Give yourself reasons why it may be perfect to be where you are today, rather than criticizing yourself because you have not done more. Focus on all you are doing and learning that is preparing you to have more. Acquiring the skill of talking positively to yourself will help you develop inner strength and trust to take the actions you will need to take as you follow your path.

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Opening to Channel

More and more people will be opening to channel. This is a time in which people who put their energies into growing spiritually will be abundantly rewarded. They will be able to evolve rapidly because the earth is energized right now. They can acquire the ability to reach new levels of awareness and bring through information and data from the higher realms consciously and controllably. The ability to explore the self as it exists in other dimensions and mediums is more possible than ever before.

Opening to Channel