Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

18 oct 2013

~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Friday October 18, 2013

Many of you deny love because you were hurt by someone you loved. But Dear Ones, don’t you see that it was not love that hurt you? It was the absence of love that hurt you. And yet you deny love as if love were to blame, which only makes you more in line with the very thing that hurt you in the first place. Do you see? Do not give an old, out of alignment experience the power to make you forget your true essence or stop BEing who you really are. Your light, your beauty, your essence, your LOVE, is far too glorious, far too required, to withhold from the world. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Thursday October 17, 2013

Dear Ones, it is your natural instinct to love. As a piece of God, love is your source, it is your true state of being. Many of you have been hurt by others and have decided to be guarded with your love, which really only amounts to denying yourself.

Love! Love because it is your natural state. Love because it feels good to do so. If you have forgotten how to love, or how wonderful it feels to feel love, spend some time with babies, animal or human, and feel your heart open and expand. Take notice of when you are in that love space – you feel absolutely delightful – so present and alive! You feel whole and healthy in all ways.

Many of you think you will experience the flush of falling in love for a short period of time and after that love becomes work. This is such a limited idea of what love is! Love is what allows you to express your beauty, your light, your essence and is what opens you to experience the entire universe loving you right back.

So come back to love, Dear Ones, as an element that is just as important to you as the air you breathe, and surrender back into that universal stream of divine connection where you give love, receive love, feel love, BE love, all at the same time. ~Archangel Gabriel

Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 16, 2013

Freedom, the true freedom your soul craves, comes from embracing who you really are, from living your life according to what is best for you and your unique path, choosing activities that bring you joy, seeing yourself as already having everything you need, and surrounding yourself with people and energies that love, encourage, support and uplift you in all of those areas. By doing so you will continue to shine brightly in your truth, and encourage others to do the same, supporting the energies of acceptance, allowing, and divine self expression, which will only continue to further expand, enhance and beautify not only your life expressions, but your beloved planet, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel