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21 ago 2013

Mandy Evans Accepting Miracles - Be Happy - Break Out from a Limiting Belief

"Break Out from a Limiting Belief"

What if you believe something that is not true? What if that belief blocks happiness and your ability to succeed in every important area of your life? What you believe - about yourself, your lot in life, and how you must feel, plays a lead role in every choice you make and every action you take. Your unique belief system even tells you what to want, what to avoid, even what dreams you dare to have.
If this convinces you how important it is to be aware of what you believe and whether it is true or not, then what? How can you find the limiting beliefs that you accept as reality?
In my work with all sorts of people, two clues prove reliable again and again. They are important because it is impossible to question every belief you have. Nor would it be productive.

If you feel some way you do not like feeling more often than you want to feel it that is a sure sign that you believe something that is not true. It may be anger that takes a heavy toll on your relationships and takes a toll on your career. Or chronic fear that blocks your sense of adventure. Whether it is guilt, anxiety, resentment, despair, or any of the painful emotions we humans feel; if it comes often and stays late, it usually means you believe something that is not true.
If you want something that other people can have, but not you, most likely you are operating from a false conclusion, an untrue belief that tells you to give up.

Let's begin with an unwelcome feeling, anger, for example. Here are a few of the limiting beliefs that hold anger in place, like it or not.

It makes me angry. If you believe other people, circumstances or events make you angry you sentence yourself to endless wrestling with outside forces in order to feel OK. Ironically feeling OK before you set out to change something you want to improve works much better. It is much easier to break out from that belief than it is to change everyone and everything else.
If I'm not angry, it means I don't care. Actually you have to care first, before you know when to get angry. How angry you get does not measure your degree of caring accurately. It simply measures your faith in anger as a sign of caring.
If I don't get angry, I won't do anything to change it (what ever it is you get angry about). Although anger can be a powerful motivator of yourself and other people, it creates a lot of damage. Anger, especially rage, actually prevents you from finding creative and inspired solutions to problems. Your natural desire for a new outcome is the strongest motivation by far. Feed that desire instead of your anger and see what happens.

Here are some questions you can use to break out from the limiting beliefs that cause your emotional pain and block your happiness.

How do you feel that you don't like feeling?
What is that feeling about? Be as specific as you can.
Why is that the way to feel? The answer to this question will be a belief.
Do you believe that? Is it true? If you recognize that your belief is simply not true, congratulations! You have broken its grip on you and your life. If your answer is yes, ask the next two questions.
Why do you believe that?
What are you concerned would happen if you did not believe that?

The other kinds of limiting beliefs to challenge, mentioned above, are beliefs about what you can have. If your heart's desire is for something you believe you cannot have, you know how painful that is. You dare not reach for it but nothing you do can really crush the desire from your own heart. Here are some of the beliefs about that heart's desire you can break out from.

I don't deserve it. My own take on that one is that deserving is a big old bogus issue. Unless your desire is to harm someone how on earth could you not deserve anything you want? Your success will only enrich us all.
If I let myself want it, I risk disappointment. Only if you believe not getting what you want hurts. People who hold this believe reach for very few things. They are getting-stuff-starved, success deprived. That deprivation magnify the impact of rejection or failure dramatically. People who ask for a lot usually receive a lot. Those of us to reach for abundance usually experience the universe as filled with infinite possibilities. Missing one goal out of a hundred is very different from falling short of the only goal you go for.

To break out from beliefs about what you can and cannot have ask questions three through six. If strong emotions come up, use all of the questions to explore those feelings.

Thousands of people have used these questions to discover, challenge and break out from countless limiting beliefs. Give them a try with all the patience and self-acceptance you can muster and see what happens. Cheering you on!

Resources available at The Breakout Store

Books "Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness" and "Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs" are available in print and e-book editions.