Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

20 ago 2013

Living With Joy

Self-respect at the highest levels comes from honoring your soul. This means speaking and acting from a level of integrity and honesty that reflects your higher self. It means standing by what you believe in (you does not, however, have to convince others to believe in it), and acting in a way that reflects your values. Self-respect means acting on your values and what you say you believe in.

What brings joy into your life? Do you know? Are you aware of that which makes you happy? Are you so busy fulfilling your daily obligations that you put off to some future time those things that make you feel good? The path of joy deals with present and not future time. Are you holding an image of what life WILL BE like one day when you are happy, but not feeling that sense of well-being right now, today? Revolve to feel happy now.

Living With Joy