Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

28 abr 2013

with EFT Master Tania A. Prince

Inner Repatterning for Fast Relief

Emotional issues can play a big role in chronic pain. There are many ways to deal with them, but one of the gentlest is a method called Inner Repatterning, co-developed by EFT Master Tania Prince. It's a blend of mindfulness and energy techniques that doesn't require digging up unpleasant events or memories.

Deep State Repatterning is an AAMET (Association of Meridian Energy Therapies) accredited technique that combines EFT/ NLP and Inner Child Work. DSR works on issues passed down through the generations (ancestors) of the family as well as with past life issues. This excerpt is from the EFT Masterclass held in the UK and can be found in its entirety at This DVD is also available to purchase singularly.