Cada árbol y cada planta del prado
parece estar danzando;
aquéllos con ojos comunes
sólo los verán fijos e inmóviles.

20 feb 2013

Clutter cleanse

1) Start with ONE thing. It’s so easy to get sucked in and try to tackle a giant pile. But that rarely works. We tend to get emotionally overwhelmed and stop. Trust me on this one. Choose one item at a time. It will get easier and faster as you go. You’re building up muscles and before you know it, it will be second nature.
2) Choose someplace for it to go. If you don’t have specific places to send things, it makes it much harder to let them go.
- I got a small box for the things I wanted to keep.
- I put several boxes in my garage for the things I was giving to the shelter.
- And I had a big garbage bag for the things that could be thrown out.
- You can put a box next to the garbage for things that need to be shredded.
It made such a difference to have destinations. I ended up shredding 14 bags of old bills and papers. (Don’t worry–there are shredding trucks in lots of places now, where you pay a bit of money, they pull up to your house and shred it in front of your eyes. And some local libraries and municipal centers have shredding days that don’t cost a thing.)
3) Tap on what comes up when you look at that one item you chose. Anytime you run into resistance, do this tapping and you’ll quickly clear out the CAUSE of the clutter, as you clear out your home and office! Feel free to change the words to fit what you’re feeling.
Karate Chop: Even though I dread clearing ALL this clutter, this is ONE item, and I can make a decision about ONE thing right now.
Even though I have a lot of emotions around my clutter… I do have support in these words, right now, and I’m energetically not alone. I can release this piece of my clutter and give it a new home.
Even though I’m afraid to lose this item, because of the memories I’ve stored in it, and because I might need it later, the Universe is abundant and loving, and I can keep the memories and the security without necessarily keeping this item. I get to choose.
Top of the Head: I do get to choose.
Eyebrow: I ask for clarity.
Side of the Eye: I ask for ease.
Under the Eye: I’m tired of being buried in clutter.
Under the Nose: I’m scared…
Chin: And I’m also ready to grow.
Collarbone: I’m ready to release this armor of STUFF…
Under the Arm: And let in the abundance that I’ve been waiting for.
Top of the Head: All the OLD is blocking the NEW.
Eyebrow: The noise of the clutter is holding me back…
Side of the Eye: And making me tired.
Under the Eye: I reclaim that energy now.
Under the Nose: I don’t need this thing…
Chin: To feel loved and safe.
Collarbone: I invite the memories to stay…
Under the Arm: And the Universe to wrap me in loving arms.
Top of the Head: It’s time to change this pattern.
Eyebrow: It’s time to feel easy in my world.
Side of the Eye: I can release this item to the Universe…
Under the Eye: And accept abundance in return.
Under the Nose: I can release my fear and confusion to the Universe, too.
Chin: And invite ease and joy to come to me.
Collarbone: The Universe can transform and create…
Under the Arm: And send me energy, joy and inspiration…
Top of the Head: So this is surprisingly easy… and maybe even fun!
Take a deep breath.
Notice what came up for you. Write down any strong feelings and thoughts and do another round of tapping. Remember, you’re building muscles that will change how you look at clutter forever!
If you want more support and guidance for this, we invite you to our call this weekend. Bring an item of clutter with you so you can build your muscles now! You’ll have support and will borrow benefits from others in the process of getting clear.
Saturday, February 23 – Clutter Cleanse! 2:30pm EST
Let’s Cleanse Our Clutter… together!
Make a Love Donation…or attend as our gift.